Oral Presentation New Zealand Association of Plastic Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting

Art and anatomy: a brief history (461)

Hannah G Collins 1
  1. Middlemore Hospital, CMDHB, AUCKLAND, New Zealand



To provide an overview of the history of anatomical drawing from that recorded in ancient cultures up to the modern era. 



I first studied the earliest records of anatomy depicted in drawing across cultures separated by time and place; paying attention to the cultural and ethical beliefs which influenced the availability of cadaver dissection. I then looked at how primitive depictions became more sophisticated, with a focus on the famous anatomist Leonardo da Vinci. The source of my research was a combination of academic articles, text books, historical records and discussion with experts.



Human anatomy has been a source of fascination for both the artist and the scientist throughout history and across cultures. Artistic study of the human form has contributed to scientific understanding. In the current day the artist and surgeon are trained to look at the human body in very different ways. Despite this, the practice of plastic surgeons could benefit from learning to view human anatomy through the eyes of an artist and not purely a scientist.